SPS361 and SPS461 GPS Heading and Positioning Receivers

    浅水域水文测量; 航海图绘制; 环境监测;疏浚作业 /
    河道、港口、湖泊、大坝管理; 海洋考古 /
    沉船定位; 海洋土木工程检测; 管道和线缆路径勘测及监测 /
    船体监测; 港口安全; 军用快速环境评估

SPS361 and SPS461 GPS Heading and Positioning Receivers

The SPS361 and SPS461 GPS Heading and Positioning Receivers are modular, dual-antenna systems for marine construction and hydrographic survey, including precise placement of piles, bridges, caissons, offshore drilling rigs and coastal defenses - providing you with dredge head positioning, vessel positioning, vessel heading, and pitch or roll.

The Trimble SPS361 and SPS461 GPS Heading Receivers offer numerous benefits for marine construction contractors, including:

    • Rapid deployment, easy integration
    • High-precision, dual-frequency GPS heading with fast initialization
    • Data to easily determine the position of other sensors on a vessel
    • Support for a range of correction services to provide the position accuracy you need

Contact Us


Beijing Hydrosurvey Sci.&Tech. Co., Ltd.

ADR.:No.13 LiYeLu Road,Beijing,China

TEL:  +86-10-57197273 57127320 

E-Mail:  hydrosurvey@163.com